The Dark Collaboration Workshop has now concluded – thanks to all the participants for joining and contributing! Slides and recordings will be available here. Unfortunately due to some technical problems, not all of the talk recordings are available.
The Dark Collaboration Workshop is a short informal workshop on Dark Matter (DM), which will take place at the Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) in Santander, on 2 – 4 November 2022. The meeting is scheduled to begin in the early afternoon on Wednesday 2 November and end early afternoon on Friday 4 November. The schedule can be found here.
Participation in the workshop is by invitation-only.
The goal of the workshop is to discuss some of the latest developments in DM searches, with specific focus on a few topics, including:
- Direct searches for low mass DM (including quantum sensors for very low-mass DM)
- Axion DM searches with haloscopes
- Neutron stars and DM (probing DM-scattering, axion-photon conversion, fast radio bursts)
Confirmed speakers include:
- Samuli Autti (Lancaster)
- Núria Castelló-Mor (IFCA, UC-CSIC)
- Michael Doser (CERN)
- Lourdes Fábrega (ICMAB)
- Angeles Perez Garcia (Salamanca)
- Christoph Weniger (GRAPPA, Amsterdam)
- Sam Witte (GRAPPA, Amsterdam)
For any questions related to the workshop, please contact Bradley Kavanagh at